February 12, 2014

Update - February 12th 2014

Hey guys,

Today I've been looking into Instagram and Tumblr. I'm still not convinced about the first one and I'm exploring the second one. It will be a little more personal blog than this one where I share what I do. I'm not sure what it will end up looking like, but keep an eye open and feel free to suggest me posts :)

See you guys around!!


PS: I put a link to my Tumblr blog on the side, check it out! (I'm still personalizing it and I have yet to post something...)

February 11, 2014

Exercice 5

Dans le cadre de mon second cours d'atelier, je devais écrire un texte de 4 pages. Suite aux commentaires de mes camarades de classe, il fallait procéder à la réécriture de ce texte. Voici donc la version finale!

Ne m'oublie pas.

Le party vient de commencer et déjà, tout est en mouvement. Les corps qui s'emmêlent, la musique qui te rentre dedans comme un char en pleine course, la lumière qui t'aveugle. Chaque nuit, c'est pareil. Une foule d'enfants qui cherchent à se trouver, à s'amuser. À oublier.

Moi, je suis ici pour la musique. Je préfèrerais jouer live devant un public en délire, mais choisir le prochain remix à nous exploser les oreilles n’est pas trop mal. Je ne prends pas de demandes spéciales et je ne me fais pas animateur cheap. Pas envie de parler aux party animals de toute manière. De les voir en action, à la chasse, est plus que suffisant. Leurs parades ridicules me sont insupportables. Comme ce gars, là. La casquette à l’envers, il s’avance dans la foule en hochant de la tête. Typique. Son regard se promène à la recherche d’une jolie fille à baiser. Dire que j’étais comme lui, il y a quelques années, jusqu’à ce que je la rencontre. Ai-je déjà été aussi insouciant?

February 2, 2014

The Dagger of Exion - Part 8

When I woke up, light was coming through my small window. I had a terrible headache and groaned as I tried to sit up. Silva looked up at me and I patted his head, smiling. I had no idea how long I had slept, but I still felt exhausted. Facing a sea monster took it’s toll, especially considering I wasn’t the most experienced mage. I had been foolish, thinking I could stand against a Grushaw on my own, but it did seem like a good idea at the moment.

A knock on the door.

- Aevik, you awake?

I tried to answer but my throat felt so dry. Silva yapped for me and Brendt came in. He was bringing food and water. Good man, good friend.

- I came to check on you. You’ve been sleeping for 3 days straight!

I was already drinking the water he had brought me when it hit me.

- 3 days?

- I guess that magic of yours took a lot from you!

- Where are we now?

- We are close to a small archipelago. We were going to explore it this afternoon. We might find some fresh water and some food. You could come, if you feel like you’re up for it.

I laughed and eagerly started eating the bread and soup, I would need all the energy I could get if I was to follow them on these islands. Brendt was watching me carefully and I could tell my friend wasn’t convinced I was fully recovered yet. After all, I had done something really stupid, out of ignorance. It was only because of luck that I had survived uninjured.