July 10, 2013

Nighttime Inspirations 5

My Romeo and Juliet

Remember Romeo and Juliet? I knew a couple just like them. They didn't die, but they might as well have. They are locked up in darkness and I don't know if they'll ever see the light again. Love can be so destructive once you're in it. Love is blind and makes you oblivious of anything else. Love makes you obsessed and selfish and crazy. People make it sound all pretty and romantic, but really, is it?

I believe passion is a good thing. In love, you have to be careful. Movies show only the honey moon phase and fairy tales only show the happy ever after. But love and life is full of messy bits. The hardships and the mistakes, the fights and the tears, all of it makes every moment of happiness that much more precious, but it's certainly not worth dying for.

He loved her so much he would've done anything for her. She was beautiful and she shone her own light. She loved being loved and she thought noone could make her as happy as he did. Both of them jumped head first into a world that would devour them without a second thought. They were so wrapped into each other they couldn't see the damage they made everywhere they went.

Romeo and Juliet played with fire and awoken dormant flames. Blood was shed and people paid the price for their love. Consequences. Were the lives of beloved friends and family sacrificed for nothing? They ended up dying anyways. Was it really worth?

So many things have to be considered and love is never enough to make a relationship work. It burns out like twigs. You need to establish trust and complicity. You need to get to know each other carefully and entwine your lives in a way that will benefit both. Fights and compromises will be made, but that's how you become closer. You need to listen and share your thoughts, give and receive. Love is a two-way street, always.

Romeo and Juliet were selfish spoiled brats. If they understood what consequences their love would bring, they would've thought twice before putting others lives on the line. They barely knew each other and already they were infatuated so much their judgment was clouded. If truly they loved each other, they should've found another way to make their relationship possible. Sometimes the right way takes more time. They were impatient and ended up both in a tomb. If their death brought their families together, imagine what they could've achieved alive with a little patience and lots of hard work!

I saw my friends slowly drown and I couldn't do anything. They sacrificed so much to be together when they should've taken it slow and steadily building something that would last. Instead, their unstable tower crumbled so fast it broke them inside. They thought they were done searching and feeling so insecure all the time. If only they had tried to find their own light rather than their reflection...

Stakes are high. Choose carefully which path you decide to walk. Sometimes, you never come back. It's up to you to decide whether it is worth losing yourself or not.

At least their names are immortal.

July 3, 2013

Nighttime Inspirations 4


This is one of these nights where he lied awake on his bed. He couldn't sleep. Thoughts were tormenting him, twisting memories and words. The longer it lasted, the deeper he fell, confused and angry. He disliked these feelings, this powerlessness taking hold of him. He couldn't do anything but fight the thoughts in the darkness of the night. He was alone against demons that knew his every weakness. How could he win?

Of them all, Jealousy was the worst and he hated her with passion. She was the one to ruin everything when it was good. She was the reason he wasn't able to trust anyone. He was also a slave to Greed, wanting everything for himself only. Because of Love. But in the dark, Jealousy was the one to whisper in his ear all the lies he didn't want to hear. She knew how to get to him and make him believe her poisonous words.

Once, there had been a girl. Stella. She was beautiful and smart, and she shone through his nights to reach his locked up heart. She was his treasure and didn't want to share her precious light. A girl like that, though, had many friends that weren't willing to let her go. She was meant to shine for them all and not just for him.

He would've been ok with it if it hasn't been for Jealousy. She came so fast he didn't notice her until it was too late. Already, she was telling him how his beloved was being swept away by others while he slept. She would turn images into proofs of her infidelity, words into traitorous promises. He would then confront Stella, accusing, and make her cry. Who was he to taint such a pure light?

She had a beautiful soul, though, and she tried to please him. She tried to make him feel more secure, but again and again would Jealousy come and ruin her efforts. She loved him and forgave, but he saw he was slowly destroying her. Already, the nights were darker as Stella's light was dimming.

And so, in an ultimate act of sacrifice, he set her free. He knew she deserved someone who would make her shine brighter and he wasn't the one to do so. He was choking the light out of her and he had to stop. He broke her heart and he knew she'd be happier in the long run. He was satisfied knowing that.

The battles never stopped afterwards. Jealousy loved to come torture him time to time, just to remind him of old wounds. She would make him doubt of the purity of Stella's love for him. Hadn't it all just been a game? Hadn't she just played him? He wanted to trust, but it's was so much harder alone in the dark, with the whispers to convince you otherwise.

So it was another sleepless night for him, spent fighting demons and fake memories. He was hanging on to the light, the only thing that reached him other than the whispers in the dark. He was hoping and trying so hard to be free himself so he could be happy too one day.