December 9, 2013

Update - December 9th 2013

Hey guys,

I won't be posting anything in the next few weeks as I'm at the end of my first of two semesters in creative writing. I'm also trying to get more shifts at work for extra money (Holidays!). With Christmas and New Years coming soon, I will be pretty busy with family and friends. I will be back with the new semester in January!

See you guys soon!!


December 1, 2013

Nighttime Inspirations 9

Castle of Dreams

Castle of cards
Standing so tall
At the top of the world
You'll never fall
Gust of wind
Brings you back to earth

Castle of sand
Small but solid
A wave to erase
All of your hard work
Not a single trace
Nothing is left

Castle of glass
Shining so bright, eternal
The moonlight turns you
Into sparkling diamonds
A storm shatters it
Now nothing but shards

Castle of wood
Sturdy and strong
Protected from the night
A single spark
Leaves only ashes
Blown in the wind

Castle of stone
Impenetrable defences
Safer than ever
No need to run anymore
Fated earthquake
Made it my tomb

November 22, 2013

Nighttime Inspirations 8

I'm starting to love poetry. I hope you do too!!

A Star For You

Millions of stars
Shine in your night sky.
Millions of stars
Fight for your attention.

Millions of stars.
I was never the one
To shine so bright
I would catch your eye.

Millions of stars.
What would be enough
To make me stand out,
Different, special to you?

One in a million,
Not worth your time.
You're not worth mine,
My light will shine for an other.

November 14, 2013

Exercice 3

Voici mon premier travail noté. Les consignes étaient d'écrire une fiction en deux versions, l'une à la première personne au passé dans des phrases amples et l'autre à la troisième personne au présent dans des phrases plus courtes. Je vous offre la deuxième version réécrite suite aux commentaires de mes camarades de classe et de mon professeur.


Il n’y a rien, que le noir. Le jeune homme sent l’humidité percer sa peau, atteindre ses os. Frissons. Les formes devant lui sont imperceptibles. Impossible de se repérer. Un bruit. Sa tête tourne, alerté comme un chien. Des pas, peut-être. Il ne peut distinguer quoique ce soit. Comment se diriger? Il tâtonne autour de lui. Un pied devant l’autre, lentement, doucement. Il sait qu’il doit trouver une sortie.

Ses mains touchent des surfaces froides, des meubles poussiéreux. Les murs de pierre le rassurent presque. Ce sont ses seuls guides dans cette noirceur totale. Il se fie à eux pour le conduire hors du sous-sol. C’est un véritable labyrinthe... Il lui arrive trop souvent de longer un couloir qui ne mène nulle part. Les portes qui ouvrent sur des pièces fermées sont nombreuses. Aucune sortie. Il ignore entièrement où il se trouve, ses souvenirs sont flous. Des images ici et là lui reviennent de temps à autres. On dirait… on dirait que le lieu lui parle. Il est de plus en plus persuadé d’avoir habité cet endroit.

Nighttime Inspirations 7

Meanings of love

Love takes many forms
Love for things
Love for family
Love for friends
Love for a lover

When you say I love you
Do you always know which one you mean?
It gets confusing sometimes
Because you want to love
You love to love
You love being loved

What is love?
Love isn't lust
Love isn't jealous
Love isn't controlled
Love isn't manipulative

So what is real, true love?

True love fights until death
And beyond
True love never gives up
True love is true
No lies, no secrets, no doubts

But true love only exists in fairy tales
And we are only human
We are wrong and we fail
We make mistakes
We hurt and get hurt

True love might not be of this world
But love is
If you look around
Just open your heart
And trust
That's the hardest part

October 31, 2013

The Dagger of Exion - Part 7

The sea was sparkling under the sun, blinding me of with the millions of diamonds. The air was cool, a light salty breeze flowing in the large sails. There was not a single cloud in the sky, not a sign of a storm. It was a beautiful day and yet, I was green. Lying down on the deck, I felt like le world would never stop moving around me. I clearly wasn’t made for sea life but I had been the one to put this expedition together, thanks to Brendt. The sailors were making fun of me, but they assured me it would pass in a few days unless I was really unlucky. Silva was just as unlucky as me and spent most his days lying down somewhere.

The week following that night in the tavern where I met Brendt was quite hectic. Each night, we would go in a different place and he would sing the adventure I was promising. Some took it as a simple story, other thought I was crazy. A few were interested in joining and, as the word spread, I ended up with a nice crew and a ship.

Kaliana was a tall and beautiful woman. She had dark hair and dark eyes with a golden ring fitting her tanned skin. She seemed like she could see right through you and when she came to me, she said very simply that she would join for her own sake. She never explained and I didn’t ask questions. If she wanted to keep her reasons private, I would respect that. I felt I could trust her though she was a pirate, her eyes were honest.

October 12, 2013

Exercice 2

Thème : Vidéo de Yang Fudong, First Spring

Une nouvelle ère

Regarde, ma chérie, comme la Chine a changée. Non, n’aie pas peur, nous sommes un peuple puissant, nous nous adapterons. Observe bien les traces du passé s’ancrer dans le nouveau monde. Les Étrangers y inscriront leur marque, mais nous, nous ne disparaîtrons pas.

Regarde ces hommes aux traits familiers, mais habillés comme des Étrangers. Ils sont toujours les fils de nos pères, les pères de nos fils. Comme un serpent, ils ont changé de peau, mais ils restent des nôtres. Leurs yeux sont les mêmes, ils reflètent la même détermination. Ils veulent réussir à la manière des Étrangers, mais c’est notre pays qu’ils veulent enrichir.

October 2, 2013

Exercice 1

Thème : L'inconnu


Je m’enfonçais parmi les arbres sans but précis. Sous le soleil qui me parvenait à travers le feuillage épais, je n’imaginais pas trouver un lieu étrange qui n’appartenait pas à ce temps, à cette époque. Je n’étais entourée que des bruits d’oiseau et de la rumeur lointaine d’un cours d’eau vers lequel je me dirigeais. Ce n’était qu’une promenade des plus ordinaires.

Un petit pont de bois permettait de traverser la rivière peu profonde. Il était vieux, mais il semblait encore en bon état malgré tout. Je le traversai avec prudence, je ne voulais pas me blesser puisque j’étais seule. C’était la première fois que je m’aventurais dans cette partie de la forêt qui, du reste, m’était assez familière. Je suivis un petit sentier dont la nature avait repris possession, racines et branches me faisant obstacle. Après un moment, j’arrivai dans une clairière au sol parsemé de fleurs colorées. Au fond se trouvait une niche en pierre visiblement ancienne. Fascinée et curieuse devant cette découverte, je m’en approchai pour l’examiner de plus près.

Mise à jour - 2 octobre 2013

Bonjour à tous!

J'ai longuement hésité, mais je vais finalement commencer une nouvelle série. Elle sera intitulée Exercices et sera constituée des divers travaux que je ferai au cours de mon année à l'université (j'étudie en création littéraire). Vous y verrez toutes sortes de textes, autant de la fiction que de la poésie et de l'essai. J'espère que ça vous plaira :)


September 19, 2013

Nighttime Inspirations 6

Dark Angel

They say she's an angel. They say she's beautiful, and smart. They say she's talented and so perfect. They say she's got everything, that she can do anything.

And yet, she is so lonely.

Tears don't come easily, but blood does. They don't see her scars or her pain behind that blinding smile, they don't dig deep enough.

If only, if only they knew how lonely she is.

She reaches out just to be burned. She feels safer in her darkness, though she longs for warmth and light. Cold, so cold here, but a safe place.

Don't leave me, don't abandon me so easily.

But it's too late, they are gone again. Did I push them away, too afraid to get burned? You hurt me over and over and you didn't see, you didn't listen. Why do I let you in anyways? Why do I let you hurt me again?

I am afraid of the dark. I can't fight alone. Stay by my side, be my knight in shining armour, my Prince Charming, my saviour.

They leave, they all do. It's my fault again, I wasn't enough. I couldn't make them stay, they didn't like the cold. Warm me up.

I see the light, it seems so close yet it is so far. If I could reach it, maybe I wouldn't be burned, not this time. If I am careful...

But it burns, always. Why don't you want me? Don't angels belong in the light? Not this one, no.

Cold, but safe. Scared, but safe. Don't burn me. I'll stay away.

September 17, 2013

The Dagger of Exion - Part 6

After a few weeks spent at Kirieth's, studying and training, it felt good to be on the roads again. The mage had found me a horse to facilitate my travelling, then Silva and I were gone towards the sea. I was determined to find Exion, so sure I was I would find the truth about myself. The Dagger hadn't ended in my possession for no reason, or so I liked to believe.

The journey to Tarvel went well. I expected more surprises from the Order of the Black Hawk, but nothing happened since that one night in Heilam. I was sure it was only a matter of time, they didn't seem like the kind of people that would simply give up. After all, I was defying them openly.They had their reasons, but I had mine. As long as I would look for the lost city of the gods, they would come after me. I wasn't afraid, as long as I had my sword and my furry companion by my side.

Tarvel was a large but scattered city, nothing like the tall and clean Crystal capital. Houses were displayed in what seemed like randomly around crooked streets. Shops were everywhere, but you could see an increased amount of them near the docks. That's where all the activity was, and that's where I would find a place to stay the night. Lights were bright in that area of the city, anyone could see it from afar. You could hear as you came closer the sounds of drunken people signing or fighting. Among them were crazy men I would convince to follow me on a crazy adventure.

September 2, 2013

Aequilibrium - Troisième partie

Des étincelles violacées éclataient autour de l’adolescente. Alyah avait les yeux fermés et tentait du mieux qu’elle pouvait de diriger ces étincelles dans une seule direction. Elle avait encore de la difficulté à contrôler son don de Fighter qu’elle avait découvert récemment, mais elle s’entraînait régulièrement avec les deux Gardiens. Elle semblait avoir une affinité avec l’électricité et c’était par accident que son pouvoir s’était manifesté il y avait quelques jours.

Dantalian était venu la voir le lendemain de la visite de l’Ange. Il s’était assis en face d’elle et il avait simplement dévoilé son identité. Il n’avait pas cherché à se cacher ou à la séduire. Il avait simplement dit qu’il était un Démon et qu’il avait entendu la conversation de la jeune fille et de Kiriel. Il lui expliqua qu’il aimerait qu’elle se joigne à lui, mais qu’il ne tenterait pas de la convaincre. Il lui assura que son travail de garde du corps ne serait pas affecté jusqu’à ce qu’elle choisisse un camp. Il ne pourrait pas rester à ses côtés si elle joignait ses forces à celles de l’ennemi, mais entre-temps, il était toujours engagé par monsieur Evans afin de la protéger.

Plus tard cette même soirée, encore plus confuse, Alyah était allée danser afin d’oublier le choix qu’elle devait faire, les rencontres qu’elle avait faites. Elle voulait s’immerger entièrement dans la musique, vider sa tête. Elle laissa le rythme prendre possession de son corps et elle ne faisait plus qu’un avec le son et la danse. Elle sentait l’énergie en elle croître, de légers picotements sur sa peau. Soudain, tout fut interrompu et la boîte de nuit fut enveloppée de ténèbres pendant une fraction de seconde. Certaines personnes jurèrent avoir vu un éclair violet provenant de la piste de danse, mais tout était revenu à la normale et on oublia rapidement l’incident.

July 10, 2013

Nighttime Inspirations 5

My Romeo and Juliet

Remember Romeo and Juliet? I knew a couple just like them. They didn't die, but they might as well have. They are locked up in darkness and I don't know if they'll ever see the light again. Love can be so destructive once you're in it. Love is blind and makes you oblivious of anything else. Love makes you obsessed and selfish and crazy. People make it sound all pretty and romantic, but really, is it?

I believe passion is a good thing. In love, you have to be careful. Movies show only the honey moon phase and fairy tales only show the happy ever after. But love and life is full of messy bits. The hardships and the mistakes, the fights and the tears, all of it makes every moment of happiness that much more precious, but it's certainly not worth dying for.

He loved her so much he would've done anything for her. She was beautiful and she shone her own light. She loved being loved and she thought noone could make her as happy as he did. Both of them jumped head first into a world that would devour them without a second thought. They were so wrapped into each other they couldn't see the damage they made everywhere they went.

Romeo and Juliet played with fire and awoken dormant flames. Blood was shed and people paid the price for their love. Consequences. Were the lives of beloved friends and family sacrificed for nothing? They ended up dying anyways. Was it really worth?

So many things have to be considered and love is never enough to make a relationship work. It burns out like twigs. You need to establish trust and complicity. You need to get to know each other carefully and entwine your lives in a way that will benefit both. Fights and compromises will be made, but that's how you become closer. You need to listen and share your thoughts, give and receive. Love is a two-way street, always.

Romeo and Juliet were selfish spoiled brats. If they understood what consequences their love would bring, they would've thought twice before putting others lives on the line. They barely knew each other and already they were infatuated so much their judgment was clouded. If truly they loved each other, they should've found another way to make their relationship possible. Sometimes the right way takes more time. They were impatient and ended up both in a tomb. If their death brought their families together, imagine what they could've achieved alive with a little patience and lots of hard work!

I saw my friends slowly drown and I couldn't do anything. They sacrificed so much to be together when they should've taken it slow and steadily building something that would last. Instead, their unstable tower crumbled so fast it broke them inside. They thought they were done searching and feeling so insecure all the time. If only they had tried to find their own light rather than their reflection...

Stakes are high. Choose carefully which path you decide to walk. Sometimes, you never come back. It's up to you to decide whether it is worth losing yourself or not.

At least their names are immortal.

July 3, 2013

Nighttime Inspirations 4


This is one of these nights where he lied awake on his bed. He couldn't sleep. Thoughts were tormenting him, twisting memories and words. The longer it lasted, the deeper he fell, confused and angry. He disliked these feelings, this powerlessness taking hold of him. He couldn't do anything but fight the thoughts in the darkness of the night. He was alone against demons that knew his every weakness. How could he win?

Of them all, Jealousy was the worst and he hated her with passion. She was the one to ruin everything when it was good. She was the reason he wasn't able to trust anyone. He was also a slave to Greed, wanting everything for himself only. Because of Love. But in the dark, Jealousy was the one to whisper in his ear all the lies he didn't want to hear. She knew how to get to him and make him believe her poisonous words.

Once, there had been a girl. Stella. She was beautiful and smart, and she shone through his nights to reach his locked up heart. She was his treasure and didn't want to share her precious light. A girl like that, though, had many friends that weren't willing to let her go. She was meant to shine for them all and not just for him.

He would've been ok with it if it hasn't been for Jealousy. She came so fast he didn't notice her until it was too late. Already, she was telling him how his beloved was being swept away by others while he slept. She would turn images into proofs of her infidelity, words into traitorous promises. He would then confront Stella, accusing, and make her cry. Who was he to taint such a pure light?

She had a beautiful soul, though, and she tried to please him. She tried to make him feel more secure, but again and again would Jealousy come and ruin her efforts. She loved him and forgave, but he saw he was slowly destroying her. Already, the nights were darker as Stella's light was dimming.

And so, in an ultimate act of sacrifice, he set her free. He knew she deserved someone who would make her shine brighter and he wasn't the one to do so. He was choking the light out of her and he had to stop. He broke her heart and he knew she'd be happier in the long run. He was satisfied knowing that.

The battles never stopped afterwards. Jealousy loved to come torture him time to time, just to remind him of old wounds. She would make him doubt of the purity of Stella's love for him. Hadn't it all just been a game? Hadn't she just played him? He wanted to trust, but it's was so much harder alone in the dark, with the whispers to convince you otherwise.

So it was another sleepless night for him, spent fighting demons and fake memories. He was hanging on to the light, the only thing that reached him other than the whispers in the dark. He was hoping and trying so hard to be free himself so he could be happy too one day.

June 30, 2013

Update - June 30th 2013

Hey guys,

I'm sorry I haven't been posting much lately. I've been busy with boxes, mostly, as I am moving tomorrow. Don't worry, I should be back full time soon! I will be working and going back to school in the fall, but I will make sure to make some time to write and share my worlds with you!

Until next time!


June 9, 2013

Nighttime Inspirations 3

A Fairy Tale

Once upon a time, in a kingdom far far away, lived a farm girl. She was pretty with her big blue eyes and her dark silky hair. She was the only daughter and her father spoiled her so much in order to make her happy. And happy she was. She glowed with warmth and she was loved by everyone in the village.

One day, the prince rode into town with his royal guards. He was the heir to the throne and the king had sent him to visit the neighbouring kingdom with which an old alliance had been made. The king was planning to renew it and strengthen the bonds between the two kingdoms by marrying his only child to the princess of that kingdom. And so, the prince had ridden every year to their castle to befriend his fiancée.

But the blonde prince wasn't in love. He didn't know that feeling existed until he laid his eyes on Azalea. The beautiful girl with dark hair and blue eyes was accompanying her father to the market to sell the farm products. She was wearing a simple but elegant white and blue dress, like the sky, that roughy the color of her eyes even more. The heart of the prince was singing the moment her saw her and he knew she was the one.

How ever, the prince was bound by duty. Once a year, he still went to visit his princess from another kingdom. But twice, on the way and back, he would stop at the village for a few days to spend time with the beautiful Azalea. She was growing into an amazing woman and he wished he could take her away on his white stallion.. Instead, he took her into the surrounding forest for secret meetings.

June 5, 2013

Nighttime Inspirations 2

On a Dragon's Back

When I was a girl, I travelled on a dragon's back. Not one of these European kind, no. It was a Chinese dragon, with red scales and a moustache, and serpent-like, noble. He took me away from my parents' bed on a stormy night. The ceiling was dark clouds shaped like a dragon and the eyes were green, shining. They called for me and the red dragon flew right through the clouds, taking me where I belonged.

The dragon took me to a whole different place. I met an old man wrapped in yellow and golden clothes. He looked like an emperor, wise and kind. He took me for a walk outside the palace. He felt familiar, like a grandfather. I remember looking at him with kindness and devotion, and behind him were the huge red pillars of the palace. Beyond was a courtyard filled with trees and flowers, wonderful garden. On our right, a long wall of rice paper, thin barrier between us and the palace. Nobody else was there, it was just me and him, and the dragon floating above our heads.

I knew the emperor was saying important things to me. I simply can't remember a word of it. I woke up in my parents' bed, the thunder still loud. I was scared for a moment, then I remembered. I was safe and I knew the dragon would be with me. He would keep an eye on me, though I couldn't see him. All that was left from my travel were vivid images and impressions.

Maybe it was just a dream, maybe it was simply my crazy imagination. I still feel like I was told precious advice and every night, when I fall asleep, I try to find my way back to that beautiful, serene palace. I don't know the meaning of it all, but my soul does. I try to listen every chance I get, but the world is so full of noise it's hard to single out the voice of my heart. I want to feel the peace I felt when the dragon took me away. I want to know I belong, and the key to my destiny lies in the wise words I was once told.

May 30, 2013

Aequilibrium - Deuxième partie

Alyah se réveilla, la tête lourde. À travers sa fenêtre, elle pouvait voir le soleil se levant à nouveau sur Destrim. Avait-elle donc dormi toute une journée? Des images de la veille lui revenaient peu à peu, floues : la boîte pleine, la musique, la femme rousse, ses paroles… Elle s’assit dans son lit, massant ses tempes. Avait-elle rêvé ou était-ce réellement arrivé? Elle avait cru les paroles lorsqu’elle les avait entendues, mais en ce moment, elle doutait puisque ça lui semblait si impossible. Elle n’avait pas à décider maintenant ce qui était vrai et ce qui était faux. Pour le moment, elle avait vraiment envie d’une douche et d’un café.

Lorsque l’adolescente apparut dans la cuisine, une employée de l’hôtel était déjà en train de lui préparer un petit déjeuner. De l’autre côté de la pièce, un homme en veston et cravate noirs était assis sur le canapé, écoutant les nouvelles matinales. Ce n’était pas Monsieur Evans, l’inconnu était trop jeune. Et puis, il était blond. Elle reconnut après quelques instants le garde du corps qui l’avait approchée la veille. Que faisait-il ici? Était-il resté pour veiller sur elle? Connaissant son père, en apprenant ce qui s’était passé, il lui collerait des gardes 24 heures sur 24 pendant quelques jours. Il n’était pas très présent, mais il aimait se mêler de sa vie. Ça ne l’irritait vraiment que lorsque ça venait interférer avec ses plans. Pour le moment, si ce n’était que le jeune capitaine, elle pourrait s’en accommoder. Elle n’avait pas envie d’une escorte de trente hommes, c’était trop peu discret.

Prenant son café dans une main et une assiette remplie de fruits frais et de crêpes, elle alla prendre place à côté de son garde du corps. Elle prit une gorgée et écouta les nouvelles avec lui. Rien d’intéressant, comme toujours. Les nouvelles locales ne faisaient que promouvoir les prochains événements spéciaux de la ville, et il y en avait tous les jours. Les nouvelles mondiales étaient trop souvent pessimistes : des rapports de guerre, de meurtres, de rébellions. Le monde était rarement preuve de bonnes choses.

- J’imagine que mon père t’a demandé de veiller sur moi pour les prochains jours… Si je ne me trompe, tu es haut gradé malgré ton air jeune. Il ne t’aurait pas assigné à cette tâche si tu n’étais pas qualifié.
- Votre père ne veut que votre bien, Miss Evans. Il s’inquiète de votre sécurité.
- J’en suis certaine. Tu connais mon nom, mais je ne connais pas le tiens. D’ailleurs, appelle-moi Alyah, ou même Aly. C’est trop formel et si tu es pour me tenir compagnie, autant tenter de s’entendre.
- Dantalian, Miss Evans. Alyah.
- Dan, alors. Tu as faim?

Elle lui passa l’assiette et il prit un morceau d’orange, la remerciant d’un simple signe de tête. Les autres avaient été plus familiers avec elle, mais elle avait été plus jeune. Celui-ci serait plus difficile à dompter... Elle n’était pas découragée pour autant et comptait réussir. Elle pouvait se montrer impatiente dans certaines situations, mais lorsqu’il s’agissait de manipuler ceux autour d’elle, elle prenait le temps qu’il fallait pour s’assurer leur loyauté. Elle n’aimait pas les échecs, et elle détestait toute forme de trahison.

La jeune fille finit de manger et vida sa tasse avant de retourner dans sa chambre. Elle avait cours plus tard et elle devait se changer. Elle n’avait pas particulièrement envie de s’asseoir en classe et s’ennuyer, mais ça lui donnerait une occasion de réfléchir en paix à sa rencontre d’hier. Elle ne pensait pas que la présence de Dantalian soit un problème, ses enseignants étaient au courant de sa situation. D’ailleurs, le garde du corps était très professionnel, il se ferait discret. Bien qu’au début, ses compagnons avaient été très remarqués et pouvaient mettre certaines personnes mal à l’aise, les étudiants comme les enseignants s’étaient rapidement habitués à leur présence. Et puis, Aly n’était pas la seule personne qui avait un statut particulier et d’autres arrivaient également accompagnés. C’était une école haute gamme, ce n’était pas vraiment étonnant.

À son bureau, elle regardait le professeur d’un air plutôt absent. La journée venait de commencer et déjà, elle était plongée dans ses pensées. Elle se remémorait la femme rousse qui l’avait approchée. Tout avait semblé si réel… le temps avait réellement semblé s’arrêter lorsqu’elle lui avait parlé de cette guerre entre Anges et Démons. Était-ce possible que des êtres de lumière et de ténèbres soient cachés parmi eux, vivant dans leur univers en attendant que leur temps vienne? Était-ce possible qu’elle soit un de ces guerriers faisant un pacte avec eux, changeant l’équilibre du monde? Elle avait dit qu’elle développerait des pouvoirs particuliers, mais elle n’arrivait pas à visualiser une telle chose. C’était impossible de voler comme un oiseau, de lire les pensées des autres, de manipuler les éléments… C’était bien de ce genre de pouvoir fantastique dont elle parlait?

La journée passa et Alyah n’avait toujours pas décidé si elle croyait à cette histoire. Si c’était possible, elle n’était que plus confuse. Avec du recul, elle était presque persuadée que la femme avait été folle, mais une partie d’elle-même la suppliait de faire attention. Si elle se trouvait réellement mêlée à tout cela et qu’elle n’était pas prête, elle perdrait certainement sa vie dans cette guerre.

En arrivant chez elle, l’adolescente courut s’enfermer dans sa chambre. Elle venait de se rappeler un détail qui lui avait échappé jusqu’à maintenant. La femme, Kiriel, lui avait donné une pièce d’argent qui lui permettrait de communiquer avec elle. Elle avait envie de lui parler, de clarifier certains points. Et peut-être d’accepter ce qu’elle lui avait dit la veille.

Elle ne savait pas exactement comment invoquer l’Ange, mais elle décida que la meilleure façon de s’adresser à un agent des dieux serait de prier. Tenant la pièce dans ses mains, les yeux fermés, elle s’adressa à Kiriel en silence.

« Kiriel, entends ma prière. Je désire te voir et te parler. Je suis confuse et j’ai besoin de toi pour me guider. »

Elle n’était pas certaine si ça allait fonctionner, mais si elle n’essayait pas, elle ne le saurait jamais. Si elle échouait, alors ce serait la preuve que la femme n’avait qu’une personne folle ou saoule, tout aussi convaincante avait-elle été. Si elle venait à elle, alors…

Un instant plus tard, un bruissement d’ailes se fit entendre et l’atmosphère dans la pièce changea subitement. Comme auparavant, la lumière semblait s’adoucir et le temps, ralentir. Kiriel se tenait devant elle, un sourire aux lèvres.

- Alyah. Je ne m’attendais pas à te voir aussi tôt. Comment puis-je t’aider?
- Alors c’était vrai… murmura la jeune fille.

Elle soupira, soulagée et anxieuse à la fois. Elle ne savait pas comment réagir à tout cela, elle ignorait où était sa place dans cette guerre. Elle n’était même pas certaine de vouloir être impliquée dans cette histoire fantastique.

- Parle-moi plus des Fighters, Kiriel, demanda-t-elle après un moment, je ne sais pas si j’en suis réellement un.
-  Les Fighters sont ceux qui font souvent la différence dans les combats entre les Anges et les Démons. Vous êtes les éléments aléatoires puisque personne ne peut vous contraindre à choisir. Lorsque vous vous ralliez à un camp, vous y restez jusqu’à votre mort ou celle de votre Gardien. Alors, vous perdez vos pouvoirs et devez retourner à une vie simple.
- Mais quels pouvoirs? Comment puis-je savoir ce qu’ils sont?
- Tout dépend du Fighter, ma chère. Je ne peux prévoir comment ils vont se manifester, ou quand. Je peux t’aider à les développer et à les maîtriser, si tu le désires. C’est la tâche du Gardien, habituellement, mais tant que tu n’auras pas choisi ton camp, je serai là pour toi.
- Dois-je choisir un camp? Est-ce obligatoire de faire partie de tout cela? Je n’ai pas envie d’une guerre, c’est…c’est trop.

Elle secoua de la tête, comme pour tenter d’éloigner les pensées négatives qui lui venaient à l’esprit. L’équilibre du monde, reposer sur ses épaules à elle? Elle n’avait que seize ans!

- Je comprends que c’est beaucoup d’information à assimiler, mais oui, tu dois choisir. Certains ne te laisseraient pas vivre en sachant que tu n’as pas choisi, parce que tant que tu n’as pas de Gardien, tu peux t’allier à l’ennemi en tout temps. Le plus tôt, le mieux. Ainsi tu seras protégée par ton Gardien.
- Si je choisi la Lumière, seras-tu mon Gardien, Kiriel?

Aly la regarda avec intensité. Si elle devait avoir un Ange à ses côtés, elle voulait elle. Après tout, c’était elle qui était venue la voir en premier, c’était elle qui la rassurait et qui la protégeait, non?

- Je ne sais pas… je… Ce n’est pas moi qui assigne les Gardiens aux Fighters. Je ne suis qu’une messagère parmi tant d’autres. Je dois obéir aux ordres de mes supérieurs, mais je peux t’assurer que quel que soit l’Ange qui te serait assigné, tu serais entre bonnes mains.

L’adolescente hocha de la tête, déçue. Elle avait besoin de réfléchir à tout cela et elle laissa l’Ange retourner à ses devoirs. Lorsqu’elle fut à nouveau seule, elle s’assit sur son lit, les genoux contre sa poitrine, et resta plongée dans ses pensées. Elle ne sortirait pas, ce soir…

Kiriel sentit son cœur fondre pour la jeune fille, comprenant qu’elle avait beaucoup de difficulté à accepter son nouveau destin. Il n’était pas aussi glorieux qu’elle tentait de lui faire croire. C’était un destin sombre pour les humains, être l’objet de désir des Anges et des Démons, un instrument de pouvoir qui pouvait tomber aux mains de n’importe qui. Habituellement, les premiers à les trouver se les ralliaient avec de belles paroles, des promesses de gloire ou autres. Souvent, des mensonges. Les Fighters étaient les premiers à mourir, et rares étaient ceux qui voyaient leur Gardien mourir et pouvaient retourner à leur ancienne vie librement.

Elle avait envie de protéger l’adolescente, d’être son Gardien, mais elle n’avait aucun pouvoir sur cette décision. Elle ne pouvait qu’être là pour Alyah tant et aussi longtemps qu’elle n’aurait pas choisi son camp. L’instant où un Gardien se lierait à elle, l’Ange savait qu’elle devrait prendre de nouveaux ordres. Elle l’avait observée depuis si longtemps, connaissait sa solitude, et elle ne voulait que lui tenir compagnie… Mais les ordres étaient les ordres et elle répondit à l’appel, disparaissant aussi subitement qu’elle était arrivée.

Dans le salon, Dantalian écoutait la conversation, les sourcils froncés. Ce n’était pas de bonnes nouvelles… maintenant, il savait qu’il était arrivé trop tard. Heureusement, il avait été assigné à la fille et serait avec elle en permanence. Il avait encore la chance d’agir, mais ce serait délicat. Il devait attendre que l’Ange parte d’abord, ce serait ensuite à son tour. Le plus dur était fait, il pouvait remercier Kiriel pour cela. Ironique, quand même, qu’ils tentent tous les deux à nouveaux de lier le même Fighter…

May 15, 2013

The Dagger of Exion - Part 5

Kirieth’s friends had been quite helpful every time I spoke to them. If they couldn’t tell me all about Exion, they told me more about this world. I was getting to know the customs and history of the Crystal Kingdom pretty well, though it felt more like my memory was being awoken. I knew everything they were telling me, or I should’ve known. Part of me was aware, but everything concerning my own life was staying in the shadows. Sometimes, names or scents or tastes would trigger an image or a sensation, but it was all. Nothing real, nothing I could really hang on to. I needed to find Exion, there lied all the answers.

I was so thirsty for knowledge, as if my mind wanted to fill the emptiness with new information. I spent so many days with only books and tea for company, Silva staying with his new friend, the mage. I was absorbing everything I would be reading, I wanted to learn all I could about the Dagger and the lost city of the gods. Lying across the oceans far to the west, the island was a paradise back in the days. With an endless summer, the gods and their guests lived in perfect harmony with nature. When the sun set, they would sing under the stars with the soothing glow of the Exion to light their night. They were masters in all arts and knew how to make the blue steel that can’t be found anywhere in the earth. They had ways with magic like no one else did and they taught to those who sought their help. People from all over the Continent would travel to spend a few weeks in their company. Only elves and a few humans loved it enough to give up their life to stay with them.

The gods would also visit the Continent at times. They didn’t like the violence and the wars, so they stayed in their far away paradise as long as they could. Every time they came to visit though, they would spread their work and knowledge with the hope that people would become more like them and less like beasts. In the end, it only created more wars. Mortals fought for the magical artifacts and too much blood was shed. In the Crystal Kingdom, elves have left the Crimson Forest and very few dwarves dare come across the Indigo Mountains to trade. Other races were extinct and the gods abandoned the Continent. Those who sought Exion never came back, either lost on the endless seas or abandoning their homes for a peaceful existence. No one really knows, but the hope that the island isn’t lost forever to mortals keeps the legend alive. 

May 6, 2013

Botanical Gardens & Biodome - 03/2013 - Part 2

Montreal is known for it's Olympic Stadium, which is just besides the famous Botanical Gardens, the Biodome and the newly reopened Planetarium. It is a great place to hang out during a day off and there are activities for everyone.


The Biodome recreates different ecosystems of the Americas for different animal species. Apart from the fishes in water tanks and a few dangerous animals, most animals are free to roam in the room. Some have a designated area if they are dependent on water.

May 3, 2013

Aequilibrium - Première partie

Alyah regardait la ville à travers les immenses fenêtres de l’appartement. Sous elle, Destrim s’éveillait pour une nouvelle nuit. Les lumières s’allumaient dans les rues animées, celles-ci se peuplant à un rythme effrayant. Les restaurants et les boîtes de nuit ouvraient pour les folles heures à venir. C’était toujours ainsi, à Destrim, et c’était pourquoi on y restait. Si les journées étaient banales et ordinaires, dès que le soleil se couchait, tout changeait. La vie explosait à tous les coins de rues. La fête éclatait dans tous les établissements. C’était une ville nocturne et tous le savaient.

Le père d’Alyah l’avait bien compris et il avait décidé d’exploiter le marché énorme de Destrim. Il était propriétaire de la majorité des boîtes de nuit de la ville, de plusieurs restaurants et de quelques hôtels et casinos de luxe. Il habitait avec son adolescente de 16 ans le dernier étage de l’hôtel le plus connu de la ville, le Black Diamond. Possédant de nombreuses suites de luxe hébergeant différentes célébrités de passage, l’établissement était également réputé pour ses services particuliers et son restaurant gastronomique. Évidemment, le prix reflétait sa qualité.

Monsieur Evans était bien entendu un homme très occupé. Aly le voyait rarement à la maison, mais elle n’était pas seule. Il y avait des employés de l’hôtel qui s’occupaient d’entretenir l’appartement et s’assuraient que le frigidaire était toujours plein. Ainsi, elle n’avait pas à s’inquiéter de rien. Elle n’avait qu’à fréquenter l’école secondaire privée de Destrim et bien réussir; son avenir était assuré. 

April 24, 2013

The lies you’ve told me.

Dear Love.

When I think about us, I cry. I never thought you’d be the one to hurt me, but I had this feeling in my guts. I tried to push it away, I tried logic and jokes to convince myself I was just imagining things. Deep down, though, I always knew you would. Twice by leaving me empty, once again by cheating on me.

You promised you’d love me, protect me, take care of me. You promised, though not in front of the gods, but you promised. You lied. From that one lie, anything you said beyond is worth the same; nothing. The words I thought were only mine, you told her too. The thoughts I thoughts were mine, I shared with her. The heart I thought was mine never really was. Lies.

April 19, 2013

Botanical Gardens & Biodome - 03/2013 - Part 1

Montreal is known for it's Olympic Stadium, which is just besides the famous Botanical Gardens, the Biodome and the newly reopened Planetarium. It is a great place to hang out during a day off and there are activities for everyone.

Botanical Gardens

There was a butterfly exposition this early spring and I really wanted to see it. So I took my camera and crossed the regular green houses. When I got in the butterfly room, it was amazing. Hundreds of them were just flying around. There was a guide with the different species of butterflies, but it was a holiday, and I was quite late, so none were left.
*Warning: for those who don't like insects, there are close-ups of the butterflies.*

April 15, 2013

Update - April 15th 2013

Hey guys,

I'm bringing to you a new series that will be entertaining, or at least distracting! I called it Nighttime Inspirations as they will be mostly short texts that come to me during my insomnia. I will not edit them right away, or at all, I haven't decided yet. So they might be a little rough, but I want them to be completely spontaneous (I might write some of them directly from my iPhone!) I will post as they come to me, any time of the night.

I hope you enjoy!


Nighttime inspirations 1

Stop trying to put me in a box!!

Henry was 12. Everyone around him thought he was a little odd. He didn't have many friends, but everyone thought he was a nice kid. He was good in school, always had been. He loved learning new things, he was so young and inexperienced! There were so many things in this world he was unaware of and school was a window to all this knowledge.

He loved playing outside. He felt at home under the sun, as if he belonged with the trees and the flowers. He would play ball with the boys of the neighbourhood, he would swim in the pool, he would run in the park. He was good at sports, and most importantly he was a team player.

He was a little shy with the girls. He was at that age where you make a difference between friend with braids and friend without. He didn't know how to approach them as they would giggle when e tried. It was humiliating, but if he understood that they were also nervous, maybe things would've been different.

He loved to read. Art and literature touched his soul in a way nothing else did. He could stare at a painting for hours, sit and read until the book was done or draw in his room all evening. As active he could be, he could also focus all that energy into creativity. Nothing amused him more than using his imagination to create fantastic worlds and epic characters.

He discovered games as well. In this technological era, game were very stimulating for a young boy. Role playing games, first person shooters, strategy games, puzzles, everything appealed to him. He was ready to try anything and would enjoy beating the game or be challenged by it. He would play alone or with online friends, but he would always remember the outside world.

April 4, 2013

The Dagger of Exion - Part 4

The soft light coming through the windows woke me early. I could smell in the air the scent of fresh bread and it made my stomach growl. I took my time, though, as I was lying in a comfortable bed for once, warm. I stayed under the covers, eyes closed, remembering the past few weeks. My memory went as far back as the Crimson Forest. I couldn’t remember anything before that day. It bothered me, though not as much as before. During my travelling, I came to live one day at the time, not thinking about tomorrow. Or yesterday. I still looked to find who I was by coming to Heilam, the Crystal City, though it wouldn’t be easy.

I made friends on my way, like Meriel, the innkeeper of The Silver Fish, and Marn from Joster. And Silva, my little wolf growing bigger every day. I had a few encounters with bandits and wild animals, but nothing I couldn't handle with my new companion. I had been lucky.

We finally had reached Heilam only last afternoon. I delivered the package in my care first, and then the letter. My only mission left was to gather information about myself, though I did not know where to start. If only I knew my name, my true name. The city was bound to have archives of some sort listing births and deaths. Maybe I could’ve traced my family that way.

March 29, 2013

Tanzania 2012-2013 - Days 11 & 12

I have travelled a lot in my life and last december, I was in Tanzania with my father and sister for a safari trip. For 12 days, we would see mountains, plains, lakes and forests full of wildlife.

Day 11 - Arusha National Park

We are now on our last day of the actual safari and we will end it in the Arusha National Park. We have booked a guide for a few hours walking in the park since there are no predators. We will get closer to nature and animals than we ever had the chance.

This is the closest I've come to see the Kilimanjaro. We can barely distinguish the snowy top in the clouds, but it's there! Maybe one day I will hike up the legendary mountain.

This is Mount Meru, another popular destination for hikers.

March 26, 2013


Chaque matin, je me réveille, la tête remplie d'images hétéroclites. Je vois des endroits merveilleux que j'ai imaginés, des personnages loufoques, des aventures incroyables. Chaque matin, je me réveille avec les restes d'une nuit mouvementée, les restes de rêves qui m'ont accompagné. Pour un temps seulement, je suis encore heureux, m'imaginant roi, pirate ou chevalier. Je suis invincible, une jolie princesse à mes côtés. Pendant quelques secondes, je ne suis plus moi, je suis un héros, un prince. Et lorsque je me réveille, je ne désire que me rendormir afin de retrouver ces univers qui m'appellent constamment.

Une douche, un café. L'eau chaude qui coule sur ma peau, éveillant mes sens, la boisson chaude qui coule en moi, éveillant mon esprit. Je suis là. Je suis moi. La journée a commencé et mes rêves, déjà oubliés. Je suis à nouveau ordinaire, un simple étudiant qui cherche encore sa voie dans le monde. Où est ma place? Je l'ignore. J'avance à pas tremblants sur le chemin sur lequel on m'a poussé. Je pourrais être artiste, je me dis tous les matins en mangeant mes céréales. Puis, je lis le journal. Je feuillette les actualités et je me rends compte à quel point ce serait stupide. Le monde n'a pas besoin d'artistes. Des ingénieurs, des médecins, des infirmières, des enseignants, des compatbles, des architectes, des avocats, des policiers, voilà ce qu'il faut à notre société. Des hommes utiles, voilà ce que nous devons devenir. C'est là le but ultime de notre cheminement scolaire. Nous devons tous posséder une formation suffisante qui permet d'élever notre civilisation à un niveau supérieur. Alors être artiste, faut pas rêver!

March 18, 2013

Update - March 18th, 2013

Hi all,

So I added a new box on the left side of the blog. It's called Albums and series. I will list there all my photo albums and my short story series so you can find all the relevant posts easily. Eventually, I might put them all in one huge post. We will see!

For now, enjoy :)


Tanzania 2012-2013 - Day 10

I have travelled a lot in my life and last december, I was in Tanzania with my father and sister for a safari trip. For 12 days, we would see mountains, plains, lakes and forests full of wildlife.

Day 10 - Back to Arusha

The trip is drawing to the end and we head back to the Arusha area. Tonight, we will be sleeping at the Arusha National Park campsite. Before that, we will make a stop to see the Snake Park and the Maasai Museum. I think you can also ride a camel, but we skipped that one.

This is the eastern green mamba. It's venom is deadly and it's one of the most dangerous snakes of Tanzania, along with the black mamba.

March 14, 2013

The Dagger of Exion - Part 3

It took me so many days to get to Heilam, I lost count. I was by foot and the road was long. Every morning, I would wake up with the sun, and every night, I would sleep under the stars. Once in a while, I would stop at a village to replenish my supplies. I never ran out of gold, as I could work different jobs to earn it back when in need. I took it slowly, one day at the time. I wasn’t in a hurry. All I needed was to get to the royal city and I was going to get there eventually.

To be honest, I was really grateful for Silva. I met some people every now and then, but most of the time, it was only the wolf and me. It could be a little lonely, but the cub was full of energy and life. He was growing too, and fast. Soon, he wasn’t so defenseless and he bit me by accident. I grounded him so hard he never dared doing it again, but he knew how to use his natural weapons for hunt. We ate well, and enough, though it wasn’t high gastronomy. I talked to him, though I hadn’t have much to say about myself. I think he understood me, most of the times. He had this way to look at me, with his shiny eyes. He was smart.

March 12, 2013

Update - March 12th, 2013

Hi all,

First thing, a new section is  now up so I can keep you up to date about what's going on on the blog! This is where I will communicate any changes, updates and news with you.

Also, I wanted to say that I made a mistake in Tanzania 2012-2013 - Day 7. I had to add an extra day since I kinda mixed two days into only one. I thought we went directly from Ngorongoro to Lake Natron, but I was short on my day count. So I double-checked my journal and realized we spent a night in between days 7 and 8 at Kudu Camp in Karatu. Therefore, Tanzania 2012-2013 - Day 8 becomes Tanzania 2012-2013 - Days 8 & 9. I apologize for the confusion


March 7, 2013

Tanzania 2012-2013 - Days 8 & 9

I have travelled a lot in my life and last december, I was in Tanzania with my father and sister for a safari trip. For 12 days, we would see mountains, plains, lakes and forests full of wildlife.

Day 8 - To Lake Natron

Today is a driving day, so no stress. We stop to eat lunch in front of the Ol Doinyo Lengai volcano and arrive early to the campsite to take advantage of the nice weather.

The Ol Doinyo Lengai volcano. Tonight, my sister will hike up the active volcano with a Maasai guide of the area. I don't dare!

We've seen a lot of goat herds and here is a little group hanging out there.

March 4, 2013

Le plus beau des fantômes

J’aime mon mari, j’aime mes enfants. Je suis satisfaite de ma vie, je n’ai pas à me plaindre. Je suis heureuse. Seulement, de temps à autres, il y a ce fantôme qui revient me hanter, une personne de mon passé que je croyais avoir oubliée. Alors, je m’enferme dans une bulle jusqu’à ce qu’elle reparte et que je l’oublie à nouveau. Jusqu’à la prochaine visite.

Elle s’appelait Joëlle. Elle n’est pas morte, non, mais je la vois encore comme elle l’était alors, lorsque nous avions 16 ans. Nous étions alors meilleures amies et nous croyions que jamais rien n’allait nous séparer. Comme nous avions tort! Il y a des choses que même l’amitié ne peut supporter. Distance, silence… amour.

February 27, 2013

Tanzania 2012-2013 - Day 7

I have travelled a lot in my life and last december, I was in Tanzania with my father and sister for a safari trip. For 12 days, we would see mountains, plains, lakes and forests full of wildlife.

Day 7 - Ngorongoro Crater

Early rise to drive around the famous Ngorongoro Crater before heading back to Karatu for the night.

February 22, 2013

Tanzania 2012-2013 - Days 5 & 6

I have travelled a lot in my life and last december, I was in Tanzania with my father and sister for a safari trip. For 12 days, we would see mountains, plains, lakes and forests full of wildlife.

Day 5 - First day in Serengenti National park

The Serengeti plains are reknown for their animal migrations. You can see thousands of animals moving on the huge plains. The park holds also a large amount of lions, which we weren't lucky enough to see. Fortunately, there is a large diversity of other species that we could observe during the day and a half we spent there.

February 20, 2013

The Dagger of Exion - Part 2

I almost thought I was out on a stroll in this beautiful weather. The sun was shining, the birds were signing and I was simply following the road to the southeast edge of the forest. Since the journey was long to Heilam, I didn’t need to hurry. The letter I held wasn’t urgent either. I intended to take advantage of my travelling to get to know this world better. Maybe fragments of my memory would return to me as I did so. However, this path wasn’t the most used, especially at this time of the year, and I didn’t meet anyone on my way.

I wasn’t lonely though. The second night I spent under the stars, I heard a noise. It sounded like a wounded animal and I rose from the bed of leaves I had made. Taking a torch, I made my way in the dark towards the whining. To my surprise, I found a wolf cub in a rabbit trap, unable to free himself. Hanging by a foot, he was trying desperately to bite the rope off, unsuccessfully. I had a smile watching the little white ball of fur fighting for his life. I approached and he growled when I tried to help. I calmed him down with my voice, talking very low. Taking my dagger out of it’s sheath, I freed him of the trap carefully and watched him get back on his feet. He stumbled though and I realized that the paw that was caught might be hurt. So I kneeled and offered a hand. Still whining from the pain, the wolf cub came closer and this time didn’t try to bite me. I took him and carried him back to my camp. Holding him close to me, I could feel his small heart beat fast. He was terrified, hurt and alone. Back to the fire, I fed him some of the meat Meriel gave me before I left. He seemed to like it and once he was full, he fell asleep. I then went to bed myself, smiling.

February 13, 2013

Tanzania 2012-2013 - Day 4

I have travelled a lot in my life and last december, I was in Tanzania with my father and sister for a safari trip. For 12 days, we would see mountains, plains, lakes and forests full of wildlife.

Day 4 - To Serengeti!

Day 4 was mostly driving to Serengeti National Park. On our way, we made a few stops, though...

This is the Ngorogoro Crater. We will have a chance to go down there in a few days.

February 7, 2013

Tanzania 2012-2013 - Day 3

I have travelled a lot in my life and last december, I was in Tanzania with my father and sister for a safari trip. For 12 days, we would see mountains, plains, lakes and forests full of wildlife.

Day 3 - Eyasi Lake Area

The Eyasi Lake Area is renown for their onions... among other things. We had a guide to introduce us to two of the tribes living there, thye Hadzapi and the Dakota.

February 6, 2013

Elena - Deuxième partie

Il ne mangeait plus, il ne dormait plus. Il ne faisait que rêver d'elle. Dès que Sylver fermait ses paupières, il revoyait son visage aux traits fins, ses yeux bleus emplis de douceur, son sourire enchanteur. Il croyait entendre partout sa voix calme et son rire cristallin. Il était distrait et son père le lui reprochait. Lui, fils parfait, héritier idéal, tombait dans un abysse profond que l'on appelait amour.

Une question le rongeait depuis qu'il avait quitté le royaume de sa princesse. Comment diable allait-il la ravir à ses gardiens? Il ne pouvait risquer de s’aliéner un allié important pour la compagnie. Il était un des piliers fondateurs afin de la rendre internationale. Cependant, il lui était impossible d’oublier la demoiselle. Il ne désirait qu’être en sa présence, mais pour cela il lui faudrait trouver un moyen de quitter l’Italie pour les États-Unis d’Amérique.

Moriatti père n’était pas prêt à laisser partir ainsi son fils unique sur un autre continent. Un second voyage dès son retour lui semblait déraisonnable, surtout si ce n’était pas lié aux affaires. Cependant, il était d’avis que Sylver avait besoin de vacances. Il avait fait d’énormes progrès récemment, mais, depuis New York, il semblait ailleurs. Il ne pouvait compter sur lui lorsqu’il était dans cet état. Il ferait ce qui était dans le meilleur intérêt de la compagnie et s’il devait renvoyer temporairement son héritier, il le ferait. Il n’avait que faire d’un homme qui se comportait en enfant!

C’est ainsi que Moriatti fils fut envoyé se ressourcer en France. Il pourrait ainsi en profiter pour travailler son français. Son père s’était montré clair; il devait se reprendre d’ici un mois sans quoi sa position au sein de la famille serait compromise. Toutefois, le jeune homme avait d’autres plans. Dès son arrivée en terre française, il échappa à son escorte et prit le premier vol pour New York. Il n’avait que quelques heures afin de décider ce qu’il allait faire en atterrissant et il ne pouvait gaspiller une seule seconde. Son avenir en dépendait.

January 30, 2013

Tanzania 2012-2013 - Day 2

I have travelled a lot in my life and last december, I was in Tanzania with my father and sister for a safari trip. For 12 days, we would see mountains, plains, lakes and forests full of wildlife.

Day 2 - Lake Manyara

Lake Manyara is a very large but shallow lake by the Rift, a very long chain of mountains and it host many species of animals. Of all, the monkeys and baboons are the less shy. They like to stick around and pose for pictures.

A blue monkey.

Baboon family.

The Dagger of Exion - Part 1

I woke up and couldn’t remember anything. Where was I? I didn’t recognize the velvet trees surrounding me, or the golden river running a few feet away. I could see silver fishes jump out of the water, glittering. I could see far north the high mountains, purple in the blue sky. It should’ve seemed eerie, the scenery, and I couldn’t say why, but it felt perfectly normal to me. The bright colors fit perfectly with this place, whatever it was.

The sun was still shining triumphantly over my head. Mid-day. I had plenty of time to do what I was supposed to do. Whatever that was.

And suddenly I panicked. My heart started beating faster as I tried to remember at least my name. This wasn’t home, I could feel it, so how was I supposed to get back there if I didn’t know where it was? How far could it possibly be? And how did I get here? Why?

I was half expecting a faerie or a rabbit to appear, briefing me on the situation, but it seemed I was all alone. Breathing deeply, I recovered my calm and started making my way through the forest. Following the gold waters downstream, I was bound to find a village or someone to help me. Right?

January 24, 2013

Tanzania 2012-2013 - Day 1

I have travelled a lot in my life and last december, I was in Tanzania with my father and sister for a safari trip. For 12 days, we would see mountains, plains, lakes and forests full of wildlife.

Day 1 - Hotel Oasis, Arusha City

There is this bird, Henry, and there is a very sad story about him. Maybe I will tell you someday...

January 23, 2013

Elena - Première partie

Il n’y croyait pas vraiment. Enfin, un peu quand même, mais la réalité était loin d’être ce qu’il avait imaginé. Tu vois, quand on est enfant, on s’imagine que la vie est un conte de fée. Un mec rencontre son âme sœur et le coup foudre s’occupe de tout. Pas besoin de faire la cour, de se casser la tête pour comprendre les messages cachés et les signes manqués! Elle te tombe dans les bras et voilà, le bonheur à portée de main. Les problèmes de confiance en soi, les douleurs du passé, les doutes du présent, tout ça n’existe pas.

Reste que Sylver n’était pas entièrement désabusé. Oui, il croyait encore à l’amour malgré les cauchemars qu’il avait vécu. Oui, il pensait qu’il était possible de trouver une personne dont l’âme serait en parfaite résonnance avec la sienne. Non, il n’était pas stupide au point de s’imaginer que ce serait facile. Les épreuves de ses conquêtes passées n’étaient que des dragons qu’il avait vaincus avant de trouver sa princesse enfermée dans la plus haute tour du monde. C’était à lui de la trouver et de la sauver.

Loin était-il de s’imaginer qu’elle vivrait sur un autre continent. Il était en voyage d’affaire pour la compagnie de son père, une rencontre avec des possibles alliés, et il avait traversé l’océan Atlantique pour se retrouver en terre étrangère. C’était la première fois qu’il mettait les pieds à New York, une jungle complètement différente de celle à laquelle il était habitué. C’était également la première fois que son père lui confiait une telle mission. Il devait rencontrer de potentiels investisseurs et signer quelques contrats qui permettraient à la compagnie de s’étendre à un marché des plus avantageux.

Sylver était confiant et se présenta à ses réunions avec le sourire. Il fit tout parfaitement, exactement comme son père et fondateur de la compagnie l’aurait fait. Il pouvait être fier; il fut invité à une soirée privée organisée par l’un de ses nouveaux amis. Il n’avait que de bonnes nouvelles à rapporter en Italie.

January 16, 2013


Vanilla was a beautiful white dog. She had blue eyes and such a soft fur. She loved snuggling up to me at night, keeping me warm and safe. I got her when she was still a pup and I raised her with love. Thanks to her, I started jogging just for fun. Every morning at 5:30, she would wake me up gently with her cold, wet nose. Then, we’d go outside for up to an hour, running while enjoying the quiet streets of the neighborhood. She liked chicken above all so I would share mine with her every time. We had a peaceful and happy life until that weird thing start happening.

One morning, I heard a voice in my ear. “Wake up, Jake, wake up!” it said. I thought I was still half sleeping considering I had been single for a while and girls never spent the night at my place. I felt Vanilla’s breath on my neck, knowing I’d feel her nose on my skin a second after. “Wake up, Jake! Let’s go for a run!” the voice sounded again. I opened my eyes and got up, as usual, and slowly got dressed. I had such a headache! As I was walking towards the kitchen, I stopped dead in my steps. Wait, did I actually hear voices? Was it just my imagination? There was no one in the room… what…? And as I was questioning myself, Vanilla was following me, tail wiggling. “Hurry, Jake! Time to go!!”

That’s when I realized the female voice was Vanilla’s. I jumped back and looked at her, my eyes filled with a mix of surprise and fear. How in the hell could she do that? Maybe I was really going crazy. I shook my head, trying to convince myself I just had a bad night and my imagination was playing tricks on me. I mean, how could that ever be possible? So I kept on going with my morning routine and went out with my dog for our every day run, hoping it would clear my mind. Funny thing, though, I could hear her greet the few dogs and their owners we met on our jog, but these dogs only barked back just like they should.

Back home, I showered, ate my breakfast and rushed to work. Not once did Vanilla say anything to me, but as I left the house, I swore I heard her wish me a good day. How weird is all this? At the office, things were perfectly normal and the day went on like any other day. I even forgot about my temporary insanity. That was until I got the parking lot late afternoon. As I was getting my stuff in the car, I overheard a conversation between some guys working close to me.

“Yeah, maybe I’m crazy, but I swear I heard Sparky talk to me this morning.”
“Didn’t have your coffee yet, heh Mark!! Haha!”
“Haha, you’re laughing, Jeff, but Krista says all the time that Fluffy talks to her.”
“Your kid is 7, Alex. She thinks everything can talk.”

I frowned and got in my car, going directly home. What the hell was going on? It seemed that I wasn’t only one hearing my pet speak. Or I wasn’t the only one going crazy. In any case, that wouldn’t stop me from going back to my place. I was already looking forward to a cold beer and a mindless TV watching session. Sports, maybe, or a movie if anything good was playing. I browsed the channels quickly while my mind drifted. Vanilla came and lied down at my feet, her head on her paws. I smiled and mechanically petted her head as I settled for a sports channel with a football game on. I didn’t really know the teams that were competing, but I didn’t really care. I just needed a distraction. Slowly slipping into drowsiness, that’s when the voices started again.

January 10, 2013

Ilythia d'Ethërya

*Note de l'auteure: Ceci est un vieux texte sorti pour l'ouverture du blog. L'univers ainsi que les personnages de Medar et Ellianne ne m'appartiennent pas. Empruntés avec le consentement de leur créateur Calarenne.*

Personne n’a vraiment su quel était son vrai nom tant il remonte à des temps anciens. Ilythia est le seul par lequel on la connaisse aujourd’hui, Ilythia et Midnight, bien que personne ne sache la connexion liant les deux entités. Si la première est comtesse du jeune comté d’Ethërya, ce n’est que par la simple grâce de l’Impératrice d’Eternia. Quant à la seconde, elle est entièrement loyale à sa souveraine, travaillant dans l’ombre afin de lui assurer un long et prospère règne sur le continent ravagé par des querelles de petits seigneurs.

D’aussi loin qu’elle se souvienne, la jolie elfe n’a jamais eu de pouvoirs. Elle avait grandi parmi les siens, une famille aimante. Comme son père et ses frères, elle possédait une chevelure pâle dans des teintes d’un brun rosé. Comme sa mère et ses sœurs, elle avait des yeux de cristal, brillants sous les étoiles. Selon la lumière, on pouvait distinguer des teintes variables dans ses iris, du rouge à l’or, passant par le violet. Et elle était belle, même parmi les siens. On disait que c’étaient ses traits d’ange qui faisaient d’elle une véritable rose dans un jardin fleuri. Elle avait l’air si innocent, elle était si innocente. Mais elle voyait dans les yeux des siens une peur constante lorsqu’ils la regardaient. Elle les entendait parler d’elle en chuchotant, tandis qu’ils croyaient qu’elle dormait. Elle savait qu’ils la faisaient surveiller de près. Et ce ne fut que lorsqu’ils l’envoyèrent dans une école particulière qu’elle cru comprendre. Enfermée entre des tours de livres, elle était condamnée à tout apprendre de la magie et de ses différentes formes sans pouvoir lancer le moindre sort, même le plus bénin. Elle était anormale. Elle aurait dû être douée pour la magie et ils espéraient éveiller ses pouvoirs en l’éduquant, en l’entourant de mages, mais elle ressentait un blocage qui l’empêchait d’avoir accès à la magie. N’était-elle donc pas destinée à posséder des pouvoirs comme tous les membres de sa famille? Serait-elle la seule des siens à ne pas être enchanteresse? Elle apprit donc avec l’énergie du désespoir, toujours cherchant plus loin et plus profondément dans les livres et la connaissance.

Mais rien ni personne ne pouvait expliquer sa condition. Tous les enfants nés dans sa famille avaient été des mages plus ou moins exceptionnels. Elle aurait dû hériter du même talent. Elle aurait dû. Et ses longues années d’études n’avaient en rien aidé. Elle avait sombré plus profondément dans son désir d’appartenance, dans son refus d’être le mouton noir. Même lorsqu’elle avait extrait toutes les connaissances de ses mentors, même lorsqu’elle avait lu tous les livres des bibliothèques elfiques, elle n’était pas satisfaite. Elle fut escortée dans toutes les grandes villes et tous les centres de savoir. Elle fut enseignée par des maîtres de tous les domaines, implorant tous les dieux et toutes les puissances de l’éclairer. Pendant des décennies, elle a parcouru le continent et pendant des décennies, elle restait enchaînée à son insu.

The Ankh

I remember like it was yesterday. We were 15 and in high school. I didn’t know him, didn’t even know he existed until that day. He came to have lunch with us once, and I noticed his tattoo on his right forearm. A black styled Egyptian cross. I barely looked at him while asking:

- What is this?
- A sort of dagger, he answered.

I smiled and replied:

- Oh, I thought it was an ankh…

He looked at me, surprised.

- You’re the first one to know what it is.

Since then, I kept an eye on him from a distance. We rarely spoke, but I always listened when he said anything in class. I was surprised to see how his words echoed to my thoughts. My interest for him grew more and more as time passed, still I didn’t dare make the first move. However, he didn’t seem like he even noticed me at all. Curious to see what could become of us, I finally dived in, head first. And it burned. We were both engulfed in flames and there was no way we could stop them from devouring us. We were blind to everything else but our own light, because together we shone so brightly. We spent most of our time together, getting to know each other better. We didn’t need to speak much as never another human being ever understood me better than he did, and him better than I. From the first moment, the connection between us was immensely strong, as we knew we belonged. We were like two parts of a whole. Some call it soul mates. Some say it’s because we’ve met in previous lives. I don’t know, I didn’t care. All I wanted was to be with him, because being apart was the same as dying.