September 19, 2013

Nighttime Inspirations 6

Dark Angel

They say she's an angel. They say she's beautiful, and smart. They say she's talented and so perfect. They say she's got everything, that she can do anything.

And yet, she is so lonely.

Tears don't come easily, but blood does. They don't see her scars or her pain behind that blinding smile, they don't dig deep enough.

If only, if only they knew how lonely she is.

She reaches out just to be burned. She feels safer in her darkness, though she longs for warmth and light. Cold, so cold here, but a safe place.

Don't leave me, don't abandon me so easily.

But it's too late, they are gone again. Did I push them away, too afraid to get burned? You hurt me over and over and you didn't see, you didn't listen. Why do I let you in anyways? Why do I let you hurt me again?

I am afraid of the dark. I can't fight alone. Stay by my side, be my knight in shining armour, my Prince Charming, my saviour.

They leave, they all do. It's my fault again, I wasn't enough. I couldn't make them stay, they didn't like the cold. Warm me up.

I see the light, it seems so close yet it is so far. If I could reach it, maybe I wouldn't be burned, not this time. If I am careful...

But it burns, always. Why don't you want me? Don't angels belong in the light? Not this one, no.

Cold, but safe. Scared, but safe. Don't burn me. I'll stay away.

September 17, 2013

The Dagger of Exion - Part 6

After a few weeks spent at Kirieth's, studying and training, it felt good to be on the roads again. The mage had found me a horse to facilitate my travelling, then Silva and I were gone towards the sea. I was determined to find Exion, so sure I was I would find the truth about myself. The Dagger hadn't ended in my possession for no reason, or so I liked to believe.

The journey to Tarvel went well. I expected more surprises from the Order of the Black Hawk, but nothing happened since that one night in Heilam. I was sure it was only a matter of time, they didn't seem like the kind of people that would simply give up. After all, I was defying them openly.They had their reasons, but I had mine. As long as I would look for the lost city of the gods, they would come after me. I wasn't afraid, as long as I had my sword and my furry companion by my side.

Tarvel was a large but scattered city, nothing like the tall and clean Crystal capital. Houses were displayed in what seemed like randomly around crooked streets. Shops were everywhere, but you could see an increased amount of them near the docks. That's where all the activity was, and that's where I would find a place to stay the night. Lights were bright in that area of the city, anyone could see it from afar. You could hear as you came closer the sounds of drunken people signing or fighting. Among them were crazy men I would convince to follow me on a crazy adventure.

September 2, 2013

Aequilibrium - Troisième partie

Des étincelles violacées éclataient autour de l’adolescente. Alyah avait les yeux fermés et tentait du mieux qu’elle pouvait de diriger ces étincelles dans une seule direction. Elle avait encore de la difficulté à contrôler son don de Fighter qu’elle avait découvert récemment, mais elle s’entraînait régulièrement avec les deux Gardiens. Elle semblait avoir une affinité avec l’électricité et c’était par accident que son pouvoir s’était manifesté il y avait quelques jours.

Dantalian était venu la voir le lendemain de la visite de l’Ange. Il s’était assis en face d’elle et il avait simplement dévoilé son identité. Il n’avait pas cherché à se cacher ou à la séduire. Il avait simplement dit qu’il était un Démon et qu’il avait entendu la conversation de la jeune fille et de Kiriel. Il lui expliqua qu’il aimerait qu’elle se joigne à lui, mais qu’il ne tenterait pas de la convaincre. Il lui assura que son travail de garde du corps ne serait pas affecté jusqu’à ce qu’elle choisisse un camp. Il ne pourrait pas rester à ses côtés si elle joignait ses forces à celles de l’ennemi, mais entre-temps, il était toujours engagé par monsieur Evans afin de la protéger.

Plus tard cette même soirée, encore plus confuse, Alyah était allée danser afin d’oublier le choix qu’elle devait faire, les rencontres qu’elle avait faites. Elle voulait s’immerger entièrement dans la musique, vider sa tête. Elle laissa le rythme prendre possession de son corps et elle ne faisait plus qu’un avec le son et la danse. Elle sentait l’énergie en elle croître, de légers picotements sur sa peau. Soudain, tout fut interrompu et la boîte de nuit fut enveloppée de ténèbres pendant une fraction de seconde. Certaines personnes jurèrent avoir vu un éclair violet provenant de la piste de danse, mais tout était revenu à la normale et on oublia rapidement l’incident.