March 18, 2013

Tanzania 2012-2013 - Day 10

I have travelled a lot in my life and last december, I was in Tanzania with my father and sister for a safari trip. For 12 days, we would see mountains, plains, lakes and forests full of wildlife.

Day 10 - Back to Arusha

The trip is drawing to the end and we head back to the Arusha area. Tonight, we will be sleeping at the Arusha National Park campsite. Before that, we will make a stop to see the Snake Park and the Maasai Museum. I think you can also ride a camel, but we skipped that one.

This is the eastern green mamba. It's venom is deadly and it's one of the most dangerous snakes of Tanzania, along with the black mamba.

A leopard tortoise having lunch.

The monitor lizard, chilling in the sun.

A nile crocodile taking a nap.

A pile of young nile crocodiles.

This is how the Maasai dress. These are women, but it's not very different for the men. Those clad in black are newly circumcised.

End of day ten.

*Our whole trip was organized by Base Camp Tanzania and we had a wonderful time!*

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